Course News

May 30, 2024

Cart Path Repairs Nearing Completion

Cart path repairs are looking good at Highland Creek Golf Club. Ten bridge transitions have been poured and completed. Project completion for Hole #1 bridge and Hole #15 bridge will finish early next week. Approximately 50+ cubic yards of cart path are being replaced.

Cart Path Repaving
Cart Path Repaving
April 25, 2024

Rebuilding Bridges on Back 9

Hole #12, Hole #13 Tee Box, Hole #13 Fairway (foot bridge is back and even better), Hole #16 Tee Box and driving range bridge were all completed this week. Next week Hole #16 Green, Hole #17 Tee Box and Hole #1 Bridge will be completed by end of day Wednesday.

NEXT WEEK only the FRONT NINE available for play on Monday 4/29, Tuesday 4/30 and Wednesday 5/1.

Bridge Construction
Bridge Construction
Bridge Construction
Bridge Construction
April 20, 2024

Course Construction on Back 9

Next time you come out to play Highland Creek, make sure you take notice of the new bridges on the back nine. #12 Green and #18 Tee Box.Other bridges will be completed over the following weeks.

Bridge Construction
Bridge Construction
Bridge Construction
Bridge Construction

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9